Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me and Mine

Preparing for a disaster is a smart thing to do. Or is it?  We all know that not everyone will prepare. If some of us follow this advice, wouldn't that set us up to be targeted by those who don't prepare? If you think about it, it seems a little selfish to prepare for me and mine, knowing that there will be many others suffering. What if we are all unprepared? Wouldn't that force us to help and depend upon each other? Hmmmm....

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Everybody's talking about how they want "peace". Do you ever get to a point where you just want total silence? That's your inner self telling you to "TURN DOWN THE VOLUME!" That's right...take 10 minutes and turn everything off  - cellphones, television, radio, stereo - everything. There's just too much chatter in our society - in the world.  Turn off for a while. Take a family 'peace break' for at least 10 minutes a day. The quiet will calm the mind.  Try it...Ahhhh!!!!! Peace.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Committing a Wrong to Right a Wrong?

The interim superintendant of the Atlanta Public School System is telling us that there will be qualified teachers in the classroom this Fall.  Would you call administrators, principals and media specialists qualified if they haven’t been in the classroom for several years?!  That’s ludicrous!  Understand something…administrators, media specialists and principals all struggled to get higher academic degrees to get OUT OF THE CLASSROOM.  It’s not right that they have to suffer for the wrong-doings of others.  Mind you, those wrong-doings include the mishandling of funds, as well.  Think about it…one should not be made to suffer for someone else's bad behavior.  It’s just not right…

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feeling Lost

Well…things are not looking up yet. I feel lost. Is this common at my age? I remember in my late 20’s how hopeful I was that I would find the love of my life (or he would find me). It never happened. Perhaps because I closed myself off to strangers when I was around 30.  You see, the guy I was dating couldn’t take rejection and when I ended it, he tried to kill me. So my motto became, “I’m not going to choose again because I suck at it; God will have to send him to my door for me to give love another chance!”  Wait a minute…this blog has taken a turn I hadn’t intended – it was supposed to be about “Feeling Lost”.   Let’s get back on task… (see what I mean?  I am lost J).
Okay, so why won’t God tell me His purpose and plan for my life? I’ve been asking Him for years now and...nothing. Could it be that I’m not ready for what He wants me to do? Could it be that I’m missing the messages (I don’t think that’s it – I’ve heard Him speak to me before)?  Could it be that He’s making me wait as He did his Son while on earth [Jesus didn’t begin His ministry until age 30 and in 3 years accomplished great and wonderful things –3 years!].  Could it be that I’m already doing what He planned? So…what am I doing now? My life is very quiet. I work 8 to 5, run errands, come home, handle household chores, read my bible every morning, watch a little tele, talk to my 3 favorite people on the phone – you know, all the regular stuff.   I’m not one of those really, really “nice” people that everybody speaks of as being a “nice person”.  I’m an older version of Tamar Braxton – very and I don’t have a problem telling folks what I think! However, I do consider myself to be a decent human being – I’m generous, kind and spiritual.  My one and only daughter is the highlight of my life; she IS one of those “nice persons”. It was easy raising her; she’s smart, beautiful, thoughtful, Godly and spiritual.  I did something good when I had her…maybe my purpose has already been fulfilled – my daughter is God’s purpose for my life.  Wow! How wonderfully blessed I am!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Laziness...or Just Plain Tired??

I don’t know what the underlying reasons are for my more than usual anxiety and restlessness.  Seems to me I’ve heard that a breakthrough of some sort is just on the horizon when that happens. I’ve had this feeling for almost a week now. It could also be that my late mother’s birthday is tomorrow, along with being in denial about the upcoming relocation of my long-time clerical assistant (which is effective today). Not to mention being almost 25 pounds overweight with no energy to do anything about it. I come home after work, eat a little dinner, prepare for the next day and sit down to watch about 3 hours of television, and snack the whole time –knowing that I need to exercise (I have an elliptical and a treadmill – more on that later), cook several decent meals for the week, meditate, do the whole oral hygiene thing before bed, and then go to bed at a reasonable hour [I’m a night owl – I hate mornings]!

Now, back to the exercise thing.  I moved into a different home about a year ago into a large neighborhood with gorgeous views and sidewalks on both sides of the street; the hilly landscape is great for power walking.  Well…wouldn’t you know, I swear every household in that subdivision has a dog! Most are the little vanity pooches, but almost every day, I see one of them out and off their leashes! Complaining to the HOA does no good; they’re too concerned about folks having weeds in their lawns – even if the lawn is mowed! During the spring, summer and fall, my plan was to become an avid walker…that’s out of the question now because I don’t trust any dog not to bite – their nature is to bite, why would I assume they won’t?  So, that explains why I must use my exercise equipment – in the safety of my own home!!  I know, I know…you say, “why don’t you exercise while you’re watching those 3 hours of television?” Because I’m lazy after working 9 hours a day (it’s really 8 hours - I get an hour for lunch: just needed to make a point).

I’m also feeling like I have no real purpose. I’m not striving towards “exciting” goals – my immediate goals are to keep the bills paid, keep the food coming in (shop for it and cook it), do the laundry, clean the house, take the car for servicing, get my car washed, wash & set my hair every week, go to church (another tired, sad story) –all done during the weekends and days off! And, then there’s Monday --start the process all over again.  UGH!!  I am tired! I am bored…and I don’t even have a boyfriend to start some drama with!  Just kidding on that one – I hate drama! I already know what you’re going to say…”get out there and do something”. Hell, doing something always means spending money.  I’m 54 years old (a young 54, I might add) and I need to save more for retirement; so that limits vacations and spending money on frivolous fun, right?! Right. And furthermore, who has time for FUN?!!